A crime of passion is categorized as both a criminal act and, under certain circumstances, a defense to more severe criminal acts. Crimes of passion are typically violent, such as homicide or assault, committed in the heat of the moment, driven by intense emotions...
Personal Attention.
Aggressive Defense.
Criminal Defense
When underage college students drink in Maryland
Underage drinking is a common issue on college campuses across the country, and campuses in Maryland are no exception. While it may seem like a harmless part of college life to some, underage drinking can lead to serious legal consequences for students. Maryland law...
Was a fire accidental? Or was it arson?
Determining whether a fire was accidental or the result of arson is a complex process that requires a detailed investigation. For individuals facing accusations of arson in Maryland, understanding how authorities make this determination can influence the ways in which...
3 ways social media can affect a criminal case
Social media has become an integral part of our lives but can also play a significant role in criminal cases. From evidence collection to jury influence, what you post online can have far-reaching consequences. Understanding how social media can impact a criminal case...
Understanding pyromania in arson cases
Arson is a serious crime that leads to extreme losses, including destruction of property, financial hardship and potential loss of life. Various motives for committing arson can include financial gain, revenge, vandalism or even the desire for attention. Pyromania,...
What should you do when the police come to your home or business?
The police can come to your home or business to conduct an investigation, give a message, gather information about a crime in the area or serve an arrest/search warrant, among other reasons. If the police show up on your doorstep, what can you do to protect yourself...
Eyewitness testimony linked to most false convictions
We know that false convictions happen. DNA evidence has proved it. Researchers have used DNA to exonerate hundreds of individuals who were convicted, spending decades of combined time behind bars for crimes that they never committed. This, of course, raises the...
Can you record the police?
It's crucial to note everything the police do when you or another person interacts with them. However, you may be unable to remember everything that happened. Accordingly, a violation of rights that could have benefited your or another person's case may go unnoticed. ...
What to do when you are stopped by the police while walking
The police can stop you while walking if they have reasonable suspicion of a crime. For example, they may stop you if they suspect public intoxication or see you loitering. Here is what to do when stopped by the police on the streets: Stay calm Try as much as...
Can you stand your ground in Maryland?
In some states, you have a duty to retreat if you’re faced with potential harm. You have to try to avoid the confrontation. This doesn’t mean that you are obligated to avoid every confrontation, as it may be impossible, but you need to make a good-faith effort to do...