A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case in which the defendant says yes to a deal to plead guilty to a minor charge or one of several crimes in exchange for the dismissal of other charges or a lighter sentence. While plea bargains offer benefits, they also...
Personal Attention.
Aggressive Defense.
Criminal Defense
Can you withdraw a plea deal after sentencing?
If you've entered a plea deal and been sentenced, can you change your mind and withdraw from the plea? The short answer is “maybe,” but it’s definitely not easy. Once you’ve been sentenced, your options for pulling out of it become more limited. Maryland courts tend...
Why doesn’t jail time prevent reoffending?
There are those who believe that prison sentences and jail time reduce the risk of a person reoffending. After all, in theory, that person would not want to return to jail. Once released, the threat of future jail time could act as a deterrent. However, studies find...
Can threatening someone lead to an assault charge?
While many think of assault as physical, threatening someone can also lead to criminal charges known as “assault by threat”. This form of intimidation must be clear, immediate and make the victim genuinely fear harm. For example, if someone threatens another person...
5 common myths about police arrest
When the police knock on your door, it is essential to know your rights. Unfortunately, many people are misinformed about what happens during an arrest, which can lead to costly mistakes. Distinguishing fact from fiction is crucial when dealing with the criminal...
2 reasons evidence may be excluded from a case
In some cases, one tactic to defend against accusations or criminal charges is to have evidence excluded from the case. The evidence may have otherwise led to a conviction. But how can this be done? Often, the issue arises when the police make serious mistakes in how...
What are the elements of a “mistake of fact” defense?
Criminal defense is a sometimes complex affair, and having a strong defense strategy can go a long way toward obtaining the best outcome in your case. Among the defense strategies available, a “mistake of fact” defense can be considered in certain circumstances. This...
Why is it important to understand due process?
Most every American is at least vaguely aware that they’re entitled to “due process” if they’re arrested and charged with a crime. Just what does that mean in real life? The “Due Process Clause” in the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution stipulates that the...
Are psychological tests used in criminal investigations accurate?
Courts sometimes seek psychological testing on defendants. They believe it can help when assessing various things, such as whether a person is fit to stand trial, whether they should stand trial in a juvenile or adult court and what kind of sentence they should...
Why jail time increases reoffending rates
Many people believe that jail time reduces reoffending rates. The logic seems straightforward: the individual has been punished and has experienced the ramifications of their actions. They won’t want to risk spending more time in jail, so they avoid committing the...