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Photo of Thomas C. Mooney

I’ve been wrongfully accused of arson. What do I do?

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2023 | Arson

Being accused of a crime that you did not commit can be incomprehensible, to say the least. Unfortunately, false accusations happen all the time, and for a variety of reasons. If you are falsely accused of a crime that you had nothing to do with, do not sit back and assume that the court will realize the mistake and let you off the hook.

Deep down, you know you are innocent. But you will have to prove this to get out of trouble. Thankfully, you can take certain steps to build a strong defense and avoid paying a price for a crime you have nothing to do with.

Appreciate the seriousness of the charges

Arson, for example, is a serious offense in Maryland. If you have been falsely accused of arson, depending on the specifics of your case, a conviction can result in heavy fines and jail time. Thus, it is extremely crucial that you appreciate the seriousness of what you are up against and the potential consequences should you be convicted.

Begin preparing your defense

Once you are arrested and formally charged, you will need to begin crafting your defense. To effectively defend against the false accusation, you’ll need evidence. For a crime of arson to happen, you must be physically present at the scene. If you have evidence that you were away, say at work, at the grocery store or out of town with your family or friends, you may present this as an alibi in your defense. And if someone saw you at a different location when the alleged crime happened, you may bring them over to testify in your favor. This is just one example of a potentially effective defense strategy.

If you have been falsely accused of arson, know that understanding your legal options can help you build a strong defense and protect your rights. Remember, you are innocent until proven otherwise but you’ll need to aggressively respond to the situation at hand with the assistance of an attorney to have the best chance of effectively countering the state’s case.