Underage drinking is a common issue on college campuses across the country, and campuses in Maryland are no exception. While it may seem like a harmless part of college life to some, underage drinking can lead to serious legal consequences for students. Maryland law...
Personal Attention.
Aggressive Defense.
Underage Drinking
Can underage drinking lead to a suspended license?
Facing an underage drinking charge can be a wake-up call, but it's what happens next that can throw your life off track. You may feel fear for what this means for your future. But did you know that in Maryland, underage drinking can also put your driver's license at...
Prevent a DUI conviction by challenging breathalyzer results
A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) can significantly limit your ability to drive and access employment and educational opportunities. If you or someone you know is facing an uncertain future because of this type of charge in Maryland, you may have...
When is underage drinking not a crime in Maryland?
Most teenagers know what the legal drinking age is in Maryland. In some cases, the taboo of underage drinking is one of the allures for people below the age of 21 to partake. But this is a dangerous decision that can have awful effects, especially if they are combined...
When did you have your first drink?
The legal drinking age is 21. It has been moved a handful of times over the course of history, but the 21 limit has now been in place for decades and appears to be the one that will stick. And there are many people who wait to try alcohol until they are 21 years old....
Alcohol use becomes more concerning as temperatures climb
Summer will soon be on the Mid-Atlantic Region, and that brings people out to the beach or picnics among other destinations. Even as the flowers bloom and we see more birds and bugs in the air, we also see more police on the roads of Maryland as they check drivers for...
Reasons a child can legally have alcohol in Maryland
There are some assumptions about safety regarding alcohol. One is that a person should not drive or operate machinery while intoxicated, as safety is nearly impossible to maintain while drunk. Another is that alcohol is bad for the developing minds and bodies of...
What to know about underage drinking in Maryland
Maryland law prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from consuming alcohol. It also bars individuals under the age of 21 from possessing alcoholic beverages. However, there are several exceptions to these laws. For instance, a minor may drink alcohol at home as long as...
Drugged driving causes concern among regulators
As more states legalize or relax rules related to marijuana, drug-related car accidents may increase. That's why the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has asked the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to create universal rules to test for...
How schools deal with underage drinking
It isn't uncommon for college students in Maryland and throughout the country to engage in underage drinking. However, underage drinking may result in schools being named as defendants in lawsuits or in a loss of prestige. To reduce their liability, colleges may...