The suspension of driving privileges carries significant legal and personal implications. Understanding the duration and parameters of these penalties is crucial for individuals facing potential license suspension.
This blog post provides an overview of driver’s license suspension periods in Maryland. We aim to inform those facing impaired driving charges in Maryland, enabling them to make informed decisions about their legal options and future course of action.
Driver’s license suspension period
The state will suspend your license if you fail a breathalyzer test. This test checks your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level and will be crucial to the outcome of your case.
If you have a BAC between 0.08 and 0.14, and it is your first offense, you may lose your license for 180 days. This punishment escalates to a year for second or subsequent violations that resulted in the injury or death of another person.
If you have a BAC of 0.15 or higher, you may lose your license for 180 days on your first offense. With this level of BAC, if you committed a second offense that resulted in injury or death, the state may revoke your license.
Refusing to take the test may also result in harsher penalties. First offenders will be suspended for 270 days, while repeat offenders will be suspended for two years.
If you had an alcohol restriction on your license at the time of the incident, you might face extra penalties. The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) will notify you about any additional actions they plan to take.
After your suspension period ends, you must go through a reinstatement process to get your license back. This step may involve paying fees, completing specific programs or meeting other requirements set by the MVA.
Your path forward after a license suspension
The road to regaining your driving privileges in Maryland may seem long, but it is not endless. Understanding the duration of your license suspension is the first step in your journey back behind the wheel. While this guide provides a general overview, it can be wise to talk to a lawyer who can help you understand your options and give legal advice.