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Second-degree assault in Maryland: More serious than most believe

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2024 | Assault

Many people feel relieved when facing a second-degree assault charge rather than a first-degree one. They often underestimate the serious penalties that can arise. While second-degree assault is considered less serious than first-degree assault, it still carries harsh consequences that can impact a person’s life profoundly.

Amid any Maryland assault charges, it is essential to understand the associated legal and other implications. Let’s take a look at those.

Penalties for second-degree assault

In Maryland, second-degree assault is classified as a misdemeanor, but it can still result in consequential penalties. A conviction can lead to imprisonment for up to ten years and fines approaching $2,500. Additionally, probation may be imposed, which comes with further restrictions and obligations.

Impact on personal and professional life

A conviction can have enduring effects on a Marylander’s personal and professional life. It can result in a criminal record, which may hinder employment opportunities, educational prospects and social relationships. The social stigma associated with a criminal conviction can also lead to emotional and psychological challenges.

Defenses against second-degree assault

Those facing second-degree assault charges have several legal strategies available to them. These can include:

  • Self-defense: Demonstrating you acted to protect yourself from imminent harm.
  • Defense of others: Showing you acted to protect someone else from immediate harm.
  • Lack of intent: Proving that you did not intend your actions to cause harm.
  • Mistaken identity: Establishing that you were wrongly identified as the perpetrator.

Exploring each option carefully can help you find a strategy that aligns with your unique situation. Having experience legal guidance can help you determine your best course of action and protect your rights.