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Can a hot cup of coffee help people avoid DUI charges?

On Behalf of | Jan 17, 2025 | Drunk Driving

Some people share a lot of misinformation about driving under the influence (DUI) charges. Some people claim that drivers can practice ahead of time to trick field sobriety tests or suck on pennies to pass chemical breath tests. Neither of those claims holds up under scrutiny.

Another common claim made by those who regularly enjoy alcohol is that a cup of coffee or two can help someone who had one drink too many sober up before driving. Caffeine does generally make people feel more alert and awake, so the idea that coffee could help someone sober up might seem reasonable. However, those leaving a bar or party after a cup of coffee are still at risk of a DUI traffic stop and arrest.

Caffeine does not reverse intoxication

People who may have been drunk and dozing off may feel more awake and alert after a cup of coffee. That could trick them into thinking that they are sober enough to drive home safely. However, if police officers stop them on their way, they are still at risk of failing law enforcement tests and getting arrested.

Caffeine is not a miracle drug. It does not eliminate the alcohol present in someone’s bloodstream or speed up the body’s metabolic processes. All caffeine does for someone under the influence of alcohol is suppress their experience of fatigue. Caffeine doesn’t even actually wake people up the way they think it does. It simply covers the symptoms of tiredness.

Caffeine could amplify issues related to intoxication. It can make people very anxious and jittery. They might over-correct for their intoxication while under the influence of caffeine. They can develop shaky hands and other symptoms that could negatively impact their driving capabilities.

The only way to sober up after drinking is to allow the body the time it requires to digest the alcohol consumed. Generally speaking, that means giving the body at least one hour per drink to break down the alcohol. Individuals who understand common myths related to DUI charges and alcohol consumption can avoid mistakes that might put them at risk of prosecution.

Discussing choices made prior to a DUI arrest with a skilled legal team can help drivers evaluate their different options for fighting their charges. Many motorists can avoid a conviction with the right strategy and legal support.