Are you a freshman at a Maryland college or university? Perhaps you already have “been there and done that,” and you are now well on your way toward walking the stage to get your diploma, come spring. If so, congratulations, for that is a true academic feat! By the time you’re ready to leave your college campus with degree in hand, you may be greatly relieved that you won’t have to pull any more all-nighters to study for finals.
Beyond the scholastic aspect of college, you have hopefully also been enjoying a healthy social life. Of course, college life often includes a party atmosphere that can cause some not-so-healthy situations if you’re not careful. It’s easy for life to get off-track, especially if you don’t recognize a potential problem. For instance, there are often a lot of drugs on college campuses, and using, sharing, selling or buying some of them can land you in a heap of trouble.
The main five
You might only think of illegal drugs in conjunction with shooting up heroin, or trafficking fentanyl or other serious drug crimes. The following list includes five of the most common drugs college students often use that can place you at risk for overdose, addiction or jail time:
- Alcohol is a drug, and binge drinking is quite a common activity on many campuses in Maryland and throughout the nation.
- Maybe you suffered an injury in sports and your doctor prescribed pills to help alleviate your pain. Such drugs are often strong narcotics that have high propensities for addiction.
- The heavy-duty party scene in college might include the drug ecstasy. It is popular at festivals and raves.
- Cocaine has been around for a while now on college campuses in Maryland and other states. It is highly addictive and illegal to possess, sell, buy or manufacture.
It could set you back quite a few paces toward achieving your goals if criminal charges interrupted your college career. If you take a pill, for instance, that came from a prescription a doctor had written for someone else, you could wind up facing some serious problems.
Getting life back on track
Whether you were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time and believe you are entirely innocent of drug crimes, or you admit that you have a drug problem and have made some choices that you later regretted, an arrest or charges do not necessarily have to ruin your college plans or your future.
If you know how to protect your rights and seek defense support, you may be able to mitigate your current circumstances and reroute your path to work toward accomplishing the goals you’ve had since you first stepped foot on campus.