Domestic violence is a serious offense that law enforcement officials treat with gravity and urgency. Yet, your spouse or partner may have made false allegations against you, and you might now be facing charges. Even if you did nothing wrong, you will likely fear your possible consequences. But it’s important to understand that false allegations happen all too often, and that you have ways to fight against yours.
The frequency and impact of false allegations
Each year, judges grant and issue around 1.5 million protective orders based on false allegations. These allegations often arise during divorces. And they often stem from the accuser making claims about the accused to gain an advantage in receiving custody and support.
While many false allegations are disproven, they can nonetheless have devastating consequences on the accused. In Maryland, these may include:
- Exclusion from your place of residence
- Exclusion from places that your accuser frequents
- Orders to avoid contacting your accuser
- Temporary loss of access to your children
- Temporary loss of access to your pets
Fighting back against false allegations
To fight your accuser’s allegations, you must gather any evidence that supports your case. Your accuser may have had a motive in making their allegations, especially if their actions could lead to personal gain. If they sent text messages or emails about their intents, records of these could help you. Furthermore, your accuser may not have documented any injuries. Or, their statements about the alleged incident may contain inconsistencies. These observations alone may not discredit their allegations. But they will make them more difficult to prove, especially in the absence of witnesses.
False domestic violence allegations have the potential to upend your life. By understanding how to fight these, you can work to protect your reputation and livelihood in the face of charges. An attorney with criminal defense experience can help you weigh your options for defending yourself.