Facing DUI charges can have serious consequences, especially if you have several on your record.
When dealing with repeated DUIs, you must understand your defense options. Examining each area of your case helps build a strong defense that protects your rights.
Traffic stop
The first line of defense is investigating the circumstances leading to your traffic stop. If the police did not have a good reason to pull you over, it could be grounds to dismiss your case.
Field sobriety tests are standard procedures during DUI stops. However, they are not foolproof. You can challenge the accuracy and reliability of these tests. Factors like weather conditions, health issues or nervousness can impact your performance, potentially leading to inaccurate results.
Breath tests can be faulty. Errors in calibration, administration or maintenance can compromise the reliability of results. If you can show fault with the testing procedure, it can cast doubt on the results.
In Maryland, some jurisdictions offer diversion programs that allow you to attend alcohol education or treatment programs instead of facing traditional penalties. Completing such programs may result in reduced charges or dismissal.
Addressing alcohol-related issues by obtaining a professional assessment and enrolling in recommended treatment programs can aid in your defense. It shows that you are proactive about overcoming any potential substance abuse problems.
Plea agreement
If the evidence against you is substantial, negotiating a plea agreement may be an option. This process involves working with the prosecution to agree on a lesser charge or reduced penalties.
In 2019, there were 18,160 driving under the influence arrests in Maryland. Understanding and utilizing your defense options can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Explore every avenue to create a strong defense that protects your legal rights.