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How does Maryland deal with attempted murder cases?

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2024 | Homicide/Murder

Attempted murder or homicide involves taking a substantial step, beyond mere preparation, toward the commission of killing someone with the intent to do so. As you may imagine, the authorities, including prosecutors, take a harsh stance against murder or an attempted killing that failed.

In Maryland, you could face either first or second-degree attempted murder charges. You may think you are safe from harsh consequences because no one died, but the penalties for either degree are exceedingly severe.

Possible penalties for a first-degree conviction

Attempted murder in the first degree is the most serious of the two offenses and is charged as a felony, especially if the other person suffered permanent impairment or disfigurement.

If convicted, the court could order you to serve the maximum penalty of life imprisonment. The difference between the penalties of first-degree attempted murder and first-degree murder is you may be able to obtain parole upon conviction of a murder attempt.

Potential outcome of a second-degree conviction

If the court convicts you of attempted murder in the second degree, also a felony, you could face potentially massive consequences. A typical penalty for this charge is a prison sentence of up to 30 years upon conviction.

As you might expect, serving a long prison sentence can also impact parts of your life outside the correctional system. For example, you could lose cherished personal relationships due to a lengthy incarceration period.

There is always hope for the accused

You might have a tough road ahead, but don’t give up on trying to overcome your situation or have the charges against you reduced. Working with an experienced defense representative can open pathways to a successful defense you have not considered.