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Photo of Thomas C. Mooney

What is good policing, and why does it matter?

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2024 | Criminal Defense

Law enforcement officers have a duty to protect the citizens of their state and country. Their duty gives them power and authority, which they should use responsibly and for the greater good of their community. Unfortunately, there are police officers who take advantage of their position and infringe on the rights of those they swore to protect, which is improper policing.

Improper policing leads to the violation of civil and constitutional rights, wrongful convictions and police brutality. It is the opposite of seeking justice because it relies on unfair and unconstitutional means. Good policing, on the other hand, stands on several foundational pillars that ensure its effectiveness and fairness.

Adherence to the rule of law

Strict adherence to the rule of law guarantees that every action taken by law enforcement is grounded in legal authority. Every decision a police officer makes, from the execution of a search warrant to an arrest, must comply with established laws and procedures. When police officers respect the laws they enforce, they model the behavior expected of every citizen. When they do not, those accused can challenge the charges against them based on police misconduct or improper policing.

Respect for human rights

Respect for human rights is non-negotiable. It maintains the unbiased treatment of individuals within the justice system, regardless of the accusations against them. Proper policing ensures the preservation of every person’s human and constitutional rights, such as the following:

  • The presumption of innocence
  • The protection against unlawful searches and seizures
  • The right to due process
  • The right against self-incrimination

Respecting these rights fosters a culture of fairness and equality, which is essential in maintaining public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Community Partnership

Law enforcement agencies thrive when they have the support and trust of the community they serve. It involves transparency, open communication, accountability and collaborative problem-solving. Police officers are public servants. They work for you and with you, not against you.

Good policing matters because it is the glue that holds the justice system together. It is the assurance that you live in a society where laws are not just words on paper but are living principles that guide the actions of those charged with upholding them. The problem is good policing is not always the norm. Sometimes, you must take it upon yourself to fight for the justice you deserve.