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What does it mean to be placed on probation?

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2025 | Criminal Defense

A person convicted of a criminal charge can face several types of sentences. One of these is being placed on probation. Some individuals prefer this over being incarcerated because probation allows them to remain out in society.

Being placed on probation means the person is under a strict court-ordered monitoring program. They must report to the probation office and follow a set of rules that are provided to them when they enter the program. 

What’s expected of a person who’s on probation?

Most people on probation must follow a set of basic rules that apply to all probationers. These include holding a job, living in an approved location, staying out of legal trouble and reporting to the probation office as ordered. 

There are sometimes additional rules that are set based on the circumstances. For example, random drug tests might be ordered for people who are on probation for a drug charge. Probation officers will relay these rules to the person on probation.

What happens if they violate the terms of probation?

If a victim violates the terms of probation, the probation officer may be able to increase supervision and address the matter internally. In some cases, they’ll have to file a formal probation violation with the court, which leads to a trial for the probationer so they can explain the violation and learn what punishment the court will impose.

Anyone who’s accused of a probation violation should ensure they learn their legal options. These cases are heard as part of a bench trial, which means the judge issues the verdict about them and there’s no jury for the matter. Working with someone familiar with these types of cases is beneficial since they can sometimes be complex and dive deep into complicated legal concepts.