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Photo of Thomas C. Mooney

What you should know about electronic monitoring

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2023 | Criminal Defense

The crowded conditions in our state’s (and nation’s) jails and prisons are a problem for those who are incarcerated and for our society in general. If you’re facing time behind bars for a non-violent crime, however, it could work to your advantage.

You may be eligible for home detention. Maryland’s home detention programs are managed by individual counties. Although these programs are often referred to as “home detention” or often as “house arrest,” they typically don’t actually require a person to remain in their home. They’re usually allowed to leave to go to work or school, attend court and other legal appointments and go to court-ordered counseling or another program. 

Abiding by the restrictions and requirements is crucial

The location of a person on home detention is tracked by an electronic monitoring device often called an ankle monitor or ankle bracelet that uses GPS that’s monitored by a local law enforcement agency. If a person goes somewhere they aren’t approved to go, stays out later than allowed or does something else that violates the terms of the program, it often means going (or returning) to jail or other legal consequences, including potentially additional charges. Some types of monitors can detect whether the wearer consumes alcohol through their perspiration.

If you have the option of choosing electronic monitoring as an alternative to incarceration – whether while awaiting trial, as a way to serve your sentence or as a way to be released early – it’s crucial that you fully understand the requirements and restrictions and that you’re able to follow them. Having experienced legal guidance can help you make the best decision for you.