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What to do when you feel the police have violated your rights

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2024 | Criminal Defense

The police should respect your rights when you interact with them. These include your right to remain silent, your right to record their actions provided you do not interfere with their activities and are not breaking any other law, your right to refuse consent to a search, etc.

However, it’s not unheard of for the police to violate the rights of citizens. An officer may go ahead to search your body or belongings after you say “no” to a search or continue to question you after you clearly and audibly state you wish to remain silent until a lawyer is present.

So, what can you do when the police violate any of your rights?

Stay calm

Although Maryland recognizes the burden of de-escalation during a police interaction falls on police officers, you need to stay calm. Being hostile towards the police when they violate your rights can be risky, as they may harm you when you physically resist them. Exhibiting hostility can also result in additional charges.

Write down everything

Always pay attention to every detail during a police interaction. When you can, write down everything you remember, including what happened, the officers’ badge numbers and patrol car numbers, the police department and whether or not cameras were nearby, among other details. Further, if injured, take photos of your injuries.

You should seek medical attention when you are injured during a police encounter. Not only does this ensure you receive needed treatment, but your medical records can also be crucial when fighting for your rights.

Consider employing the tips discussed above when interacting with the police. If your rights or those of your loved one are violated during an interaction, legal guidance can help you when filing a complaint.