Skilled Defense Against Assault And Battery Charges
In Maryland, you can face assault charges even if no one suffered physical harm. When an assault charge is linked with physical injury, the consequences of a conviction get more serious.
At the Law Offices of Thomas C. Mooney in Upper Marlboro, we have extensive experience defending clients against charges involving violent crimes. We skillfully handle everything from misdemeanor assault charges to first-degree murder cases, giving each one of our clients the personalized legal counsel they need to beat the charges or get the best possible outcome.
Call us today to talk to an attorney about your options. We would be happy to give you our honest assessment of your case during a free review. Call 301-579-3429.
Thomas C. Mooney was named 2011’s Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Maryland Association for Justice.
Assault And Battery Offenses In Maryland
We are prepared to defend clients against any of the following charges:
- Assault in the second degree: This is a misdemeanor, which does not require someone to physically assault another person. A person who commits this crime makes or attempts offensive physical contact with someone. Intentionally frightening someone can also result in a misdemeanor assault charge.
- Aggravated assault: This is a felony charge that you may face if you have been accused of causing or attempting to cause serious injuries. An assault involving a firearm is also felony aggravated assault.
- Reckless endangerment: This misdemeanor is meant to punish those who act recklessly, resulting in a significant risk of serious injury or death for someone else.
To convict you of assault, the state must prove that you intended to cause harm or illicit fear or that you were acting recklessly.
A conviction of any assault charge can result in significant consequences, potentially including jail time, fines and a criminal record that can jeopardize your employment, education and even parenting rights.
Protecting Your Freedom, Fighting For Your Future
You might feel as if you have no options. We are prepared to fight for you. Time and time again, we have achieved the best possible outcomes for our clients. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, this might mean reduced charges and a more lenient sentence or even dismissed charges. Or, we may recommend taking your case to trial where we will fight tooth-and-nail for a not guilty verdict.
Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can help you mount the strongest defense against assault charges. Call 301-579-3429 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation.